After your payment is received and just before we begin playing, you will receive this confirmation, your pool group designation, your login and password to view our tickets for the draw and your entitlements to that pool group only, such as this example and be bound by those terms:
This is to confirm that YOUR NAME HERE has paid the required $238.33 CAD payment in full, and is entitled to 1 equal share (5%) in total of all and only the proceeds won by the pool group designated as POOL GROUP XXXXXXXX, playing Canada Lotto 649 for a guaranteed minimum of 26 draws.
By paying for your share you acknowledge
that you understand that if any individual draw yields a total of $10,000.00 or
less, that money won is to be left in trust with the group administrator,
(Sandro B.....), for the duration of the 26 draw term at which time all monies
accumulated in the trust on behalf of POOL GROUP XXXXXXXXX will be
distributed evenly to all shareholders. But if a single draw yields a
total amount of $10,000.01 or more, that money alone will be paid out
immediately upon redemption of the tickets to all shareholders, and at the
discretion of the group administrator, any and all money accumulated in the trust to
this point may also be distributed to all shareholders.
*At the end of the 26
draw term if the pool group winnings total $5000.01 or more, that money will be paid
out to all pool group members unless all members agree by e-mail to leave the money
with the pool group and to continue playing until it has been depleted.
**If the pool group
winnings total $5,000.00 or less, that money WILL remain with the pool group and
played out until that money has been depleted. At which point this POOL GROUP XXXXXXX is now terminated.
Shareholder: YOUR NAME HERE
Group Administrator: SANDRO B......